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Lauren Marold
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Design Thinking in K-8 Eudcation
Can't wait to co-facilitate Design Thinking in K-8 Education in the AM @theatlis with @theberknologist #empathy
RT @heysarahtk: Talking tech dept mission statements starts w/ school mission statements #ATLISac @TeacherJenCarey @theatlis…
Embed inquiry based learning & comp science to create true interdisciplinary learning is the future of Ed @GreenhillSchool #ATLISac @jcasap
Iteration and transformation is the next lightbulb! The current look of education is just the beginning. #empathy…
Information is a commodity and it is how we value and use that information that is important. @GreenhillSchool…
We need to build strong digital leaders and not expect them to just know how to use the web and decipher what they…
RT @EdTechTexan: Iteration is the result of critical thinking. It's not about a grade, it's about feedback. @jcasap #ATLISac